Selling Selling 6 Runescape 30days for runescape GP

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Games, 11/19/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hey, I've been wanting to buy runescape GP for a while, and every website is over $1/m. So I thought buying pins and selling for 8m gp ea would help me and you. Lets me get cheaper GP and lets you pay GP for memb.

    Yes, the account is new because I asked a friend where to sell it and he suggested here.

    If you're interested add my MSN

    ill buy one if u got first...i dont scam, but i've been scammed, so im not going to go first anymore...

    says guy with 1 post lol

    check sythe...i tried buying there...not on

    I'll buy one for 5m gp OR an account with 96 mining + 2m gp. That's my offer

    added will buy one off you we can either 50/50 or you go first.

    I'll buy a pin.
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