6 chars tera na (mt server) TERA NA ACCOUNT, MOUNT TYRANNAS SERVER CHARS: Sorcerer, Archer, Gunner, Brawler x3 Sorcerer Weapon imperator +15 Chest imperator +15 Glove and Boots imperator +12 Belt imperator jewelry pvp and pve inner crit 16 crit brooch (6/4) weapon conflate +12 glove conflate +12 Archer Weapon imperator +15 Chest slaughter +12 Glove and Boots slaughter +12 Belt imperator jewelry pvp and pve inner crit 16 crit brooch (6/4) Gunner Weapon Starfall +15 Chest slaughter +15 Glove and Boots slaughter +12 Belt slaughter jewelry pve inner crit 16 simple brooch Brawler x3 Weapon slaughter +12 Chest slaughter +12 Glove and Boots slaughter +12 belt slaughter Inner crit 16 simple brooch and cleanse brooch TERA REWARD TIER 6 AND 1700 CREDS 4 PJ FULL KILLING SPREE AND BELLICARIUMS 160K GOLD CONSUMABLES ANS OTHERS.... PICTURES HERE https://myalbum.com/album/ofGoKtYo2HDW