Selling Selling 6.8k Elf Account on Alexina Server - No offers below -$600USD- PayPal Only

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi – I’m updating to a new thread. For any information concerning
    The old one please go here:

    Selling my [6.8k Male Elf] on the popular [Alexina server].
    Current Total Level [as of 1/2/2015] 6.8k ttl
    Exploration total 1533 ttl

    *This account also comes with a Female giant that is a lvl 1k mage destiny
    made with a hero card, for added inventory space and Ap, should you decide
    to rank her.*

    Base info : With Grand master mage, mage destiny and Yvona & Weapon master
    title active: STR -369 Int -1047 Dex- 637 Will - 420 Luck - 91 |

    Current Level 58
    Age: 17
    Remaining AP:379 -Meteor Strike killed most of it!
    ================================================== ===============================
    Earned titles: Black dragon Honor | Shining Hero | Fashonogi Leader | Bell Fox |
    Pan | Hamlet | Yvona | The Lucky Snake | Maple Story | SAO Asuna & Lisbeth
    Have completed all generations with the exception of:
    G8 - Only need to kill Crumena to finish it.
    Highly advised to train Meteor Strike first -[currenlty R1]
    The current generation just released. No time to finish it.
    Commercing is at R1. The following posts are ranked as follows:
    Tir Chonaill lvl[8] 17.7% | Dunbarton lvl[9] 100% | Bangor lvl[9] 49.8%
    Emain Macha lvl [7] 80.0% | Taillteann lvl[9] 100%| Tara lvl[9] 100%
    Cobh lvl[7] 42.0% | Belvast lvl[9] 100%|
    *Have three Gold combo cards - very good ones*
    All expired and need to be renewed

    [This character comes witht he following equips:]

    {Full Royal Knight Armor set*} - 0 Dura Loss proofed at [52%] - Pure White

    {Full Dragon Rider Armor set*} {Dyed in all black} Fullly proofed
    Has best stats. It's a Crit armor set.
    Perfect for mage or fighter.
    Full enchants and reforges included on set.
    Note me for more info.

    {Full Chinese Dragon Armor set*} - Gold and Black.
    Spare armor included
    since the current has only 2 dura remaining.

    {Liberator Sheild} 2/3 updgrade current proof-70%
    With Royal Knight Armor your elf is practically a tank >:3

    {Bell Fox set -minus the ears} {Full Fairy Floral Outfit set}
    {Pure White Vanalen set} {Pirate*Gamyu Wizard Robe}
    {2012 Full Male Yukata Set}
    {Full Bohemian Male Wear near perfect stats}
    {Lunar Dragon Armor and Boots}
    {Full 2012 Premium Winter Wear set}
    -I have a more included in the dressing room but this is the
    main faishongi stuff that I feel is worth mentioning.-

    3 Hermit Staffs fully upgraded: 2 of the staffs are at S5
    and one is at S6. The S6 has casting speed lvl5 reforge
    and one of the S5 staffs has Fireball min dmg 20 max 12

    {Crown Ice wand Fully upgraded S3 R1 reforge on it]

    {2 Fire Savage Fire wands} One is R3 fully upgraded, max chaincast.
    The other is the replacement.
    {Fully upgraded Ice wand max chain cast}

    {Have a R2 Black Dragon Knight Bow with excellent reforge on it.}

    There are many more weapons that are fully upgraded, please contact
    me if you are interested and I will get the rest of that information
    for you.

    This character is primarily an archer, but I've switched over to mage
    due to the insaine damage increase and it's reliability over archery
    in many situations. This character has an excellent build and has R1
    in almost every mage skill minus the following:

    Party Healing {currently R5}
    Blaze {currently R4}
    Snap Cast {currently R9}

    (All mana shields, which there are currently 4, are barley ranked. They aren't important enough to rankup so it's up to you if you wish to do so.)

    *Enchanting* {currently R8} - I just want to mention how important this skill
    is. You can add enchants to your equips or make money by enchating other people's
    gear. It is very time consuming to rank but highly worth it and I have a ton of
    enchants on this character that you can renew and use to boost his power even more.
    Sadly I no longer have the time to do it, but the lucky owner of this character will
    be in for quit the treat. After the event ends there will be an enchating pot added
    so you can easily get this skill up to R6 within a week or two. I have pleanty of holly
    water and left over enchants on the cosmic stallion to rank it to R7. You can find
    all the mana herbs that you will need on the homestead.

    So other than that, all other mage skills are at R1.

    This character is also a Master Bard. I have a ton of instruments that are
    fully upgraded and enchanted, including a Golden Lyre, Concert microphone,
    and fully upgraded Gloomy Sunday.

    Homestead for this character is currently at level 10 with a ton of herbs
    available to you.

    If that isn't enough you get a huge amount of inventory space with the:

    Dream event celerbation bag:10X10 invo space!
    Simon's clothing bad:10X14 weapon space!
    Squirel Doll bag: 5X5
    Eriwen's Bag: 5X5
    and 22 pets including a maid, commercing pet, and the latest being a floral
    fairy pet!

    You also get the Druid's Mark which grants 50% exp training bonus to all
    druid based skills which means you can get mastery of Meteor Strike with
    in 2 weeks or less. I've already started the process for you :3

    I will no longer be updating this account for I no longer have the time
    to do so. If I do have any other updates, I will of course post them.
    If you have any questions about this account or need info on anything
    that I didn't mention, please feel free to Skype me: ariencjdix
    or pm me.

    I'm only accepting payments from Paypal. Please do not message me if
    you aren't able to at least offer $600.-- for this account. Thank you
    very much for your time and Happy New Years to every body.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I should also mention that there is a remainder of 5k Nx on this account as well to take into
    consideration :3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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