Selling Selling 5k Human Mari account

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KohoriJewel, 9/26/16.

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  1. KohoriJewel

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    Hello everyone! I am looking to sell an account that has a human
    Total level 5113 Expl lvl 1206 with 21 Pets also has a ttl 600 elf with the ALO Asuna title and has 1.2m in bank.


    SKILLS (All Archer/Puppet Skills can be ranked to r1 without training because an all reset pill was used once)

    Some of the WEAPONS and Stuff like bags etc

    Can be seen in the next LINK.

    I am aiming for around 10k USD(Joking) Offer through here or PM :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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