Selling 55 Warborn Darkrunner - Founder - Many Costumes - Farm Cart - 400g+ - OG Name

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alechilles, 1/18/17.

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  1. Alechilles

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    Hey guys,

    First off, I forgot to say this is on NA Reckoning in the title.

    I'm spending too much time playing this game, and it's become a serious addiction that's affecting my grades so I'm cutting it off cold-turkey. The account is founder, and it has most of the winter costumes, decent gear, a farm cart, TONS of land in Rookborne, like 400g, and a really cool 4 character name. It comes with two alts (level 36 each). The alts main purpose is for extra labor and reduced taxes on the land.

    The land is made up of two 8x8s, three 16x16s, and one 24x24. All of these are in Rookborne near the pack maker. There's also an 8x8 on an island in the middle of the ocean for dropping loot from pirating. Using this land with the farm cart you can easily make anywhere from 200-400g PER DAY. If you don't know the route from Rookborne I can teach you.

    Contact me and we can discuss pricing, please don't lowball. I'm not going to try to charge a ridiculous amount, but I do need a decent return on this.
    Message me on skype at alechilles22 for faster response, but you can message/post here too.
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