Sold Selling 51M SP, Miner (+Orca buffer), Hauler (Fenrir), Trader

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by charly zata, 3/29/17.

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  1. charly zata

    charly zata
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    Hey guys, im selling my old EvE acc or char. with 51M SP (PvE focused, no hostility, high sec. runner, Male, Minmatar race and territory).
    Primary focus: Transport (Fenrir), Mining (+Orca buffer), Trade,... (most on lvl5)
    Secundary focus: Mission lvl4 runner (Tengu)

    Balance: 540M
    Estimated Cost of items (ships and mostly trade goods): 9,5B

    In attachment you can see skills. ACC is inactive for one year and now im looking for some money capital for another game.
    The idea is around 150 USD (Paypal).

    level-2 EM Armor Compensation
    level-3 Explosive Armor Compensation
    level-5 Hull Upgrades
    level-2 Kinetic Armor Compensation
    level-5 Mechanics
    level-4 Remote Armor Repair Systems
    level-2 Remote Hull Repair Systems
    level-4 Repair Systems
    level-3 Thermal Armor Compensation
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 944,252

    Corporation Management
    level-3 Corporation Management

    price: 100$
    email: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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