Selling Selling 500$ Account | Anvil Super Hornet | Anvil hurricane | Tons of Items!| More!

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ryoose, 6/9/17.

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  1. Ryoose

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    Hello everybody! I've been tired of Star Citizen and I've decided to sell my account for you all! I've checked all my items and I will post here on the thread since attachments are not allowed what these items are.

    20k Credits = 20$
    20 USD in Account = 20$
    1x Aegis Regulus Power Plant = 17$
    4x OMNISKY VI = 64$
    1x J-Span CRYO-STAR COOLER = 8$
    1x Standalone - ANVIL HURRICANE LTI = 175$
    2x Omnisky III = 24$
    1x Package - Aurora MR SC Starter = 45$
    2x CF-227 Panther Repeater = 36$
    1x Package-Squadron 42 Add-on = 15$
    1x Standalone Ship - F7C-M Super Hornet - Valentines Day Sale = 180$
    2x SW Series Ballistic Repeater "Sawbuck" SW16BR2 = 20$
    1x Christmas Reward 2016 = 5$
    1x Flashfire Weapon Mounts - Cutlass = 8$
    1x Apocalypse Arms Ballistic Gatlings - Revenant = 18$
    1x 2945 War Bond = 5$
    1x 2015 Christmas Reward = 10$

    Account Total Worth = 670$

    What I'm willing to sell it for = 500$

    Any questions or concerns? You can contact me here or at [email protected]

    Pics, questions, and other options will be included.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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