Selling selling 5* base obi padi, obi jm, qgj and jjb

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 6/16/15.

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  1. Games

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    looking to sell a couple of cards

    5* base

    lvl 60 obi-wan kenobi [padawan]

    lvl 60 sk 1 obi-wan kenobi [jedi master]

    lvl 60 qui-gon jinn

    lvl 1 jar jar binks (can lvl if requested)

    pm me reasonable offers only please

    sell through paypal only

    I do all transactions as follows.

    1) Pm me for the trade. I'll give you my PayPal email.

    2) Give me your game ID, I'll start the trade to prove that I have what you want to buy. Then you reply the trade with a 1* or 2* card.

    3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money."

    4) Enter my Email address.

    5) Enter the amount for your purchase.

    6) Select the option "I'm paying for goods or services."

    7) Please add the following message to the payment:

    **Payment for (...card) in SWFC game. I am (username), I completely understand these are virtual goods and I agree that no refunds or returns are allowed.**

    8) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment.

    9) I'll accept trade.


    75 pm me if cool
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