Sold Selling 5* and 4* Accounts 1st Anniversary -- Updated daily

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nunopontes87, 9/17/17.

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  1. nunopontes87

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    I'm selling starter accounts with 5* units so you don't have to reroll yourself. 4* units are also included.

    I've spent 250 MD on each account. Keep in mind you can grind all story normal and hard mode for over 1000 MD. Plus events and the 10 Record Crystal you receive from dailys for an additional 5* or 4* pull.

    Reminder that guaranteed weapon scout banner are left untouched for all accounts.

    This thread will be updated regularly!

    Screenshots can be found below each account description.

    ---- Bellow you can find 5* Accounts ----

    Account #4 - $15 USD
    5* [The Will - transcending the system] Kirito
    4* [Indoor Gamer] Sakuya aka Raindrops Sakuya
    4* [Void Runner] Leafa
    4* [Novice Police] Sinon


    Acct #3
    - $18 USD
    5* [The Will - changing the fate] Asuna
    5* [The Archer - overcoming the past] Sinon
    4* [My Little Lover] Silica
    4* [Kitchen Maid] Asuna
    + 100 Hacking Crystals


    ---- Bellow you can find 4* Accounts ----

    Acct #1
    - $8 USD
    4* [Indoor Gamer] Sakuya aka Raindrops Sakuya
    4* Princess Silica


    Acct #2
    - $8 USD
    4* [Blue Silver Knight] Eugeo
    4* [Summer Princess] Alice


    I plan on updating this thread pretty much regularly, so come everyday and you might find a specific unit you've always been looking for! :)

    Payment upfront and I'll send the code/password! I am trustworthy seller, plan on building feedback here on this website.

    Paypal only under "Family and Friends"!

    Add me on discord and we can talk if you're interested: nupots#6927
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