Sup, Hmu with good offers (no lowballs thanks) INSTAGRAM ALL OGE NO NUMBER @710616 31$ @fe.d (FED/FEED) c/o 55 bin 130$ (Can nego serious offers) (CLOSEST TAG TO "FED/FEED") @@resawn c/o $45 bin 65$(feel free to offer, can nego) @aip8 25$ @Copilot c/o $200 bin ?? (feel free to offer) @kqjc 31$ @yjwp 31$ @bpcw 31$ @kbcp 31$ @uswk 31$ @lqsb 31$ @8w8y 46$ BTC ONLY JOIN MY TELEGRAM STOCK: Vouches @VouchedMe Portal @MatiusPortal Willing to use only these trusted middleman (cuz idk others, so dont ask using other mm) : @@theonlynh on ig or @@Laugh / @@kwivly on tg Do not contact me here, i won't reply in most cases anyway. Drop me a message on the following socials: -Telegram: @bbpqd -Instagram: @Jinwoochill -Discord: Mxdyvz#8888 or Mxdyvz#0011 (Don't add me as friend, just message)