Selling Selling 48k fully dslotted equips cap range hayato

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by NobleSales, 3/15/17.

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  1. NobleSales

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    All equips are fully dslotted. Bpots are not perfect so you can increase range easily over 50k once you 3L bpot them all, also needs nebulites.
    Also have a bad@ss IGN that you will love.
    Can one/two shot all end game bosses.
    Account has 300b cash and items are worth around 500b total,
    Total value of account around 800b.

    Current market price for mesos is 1bil for $2.
    A/w price for account is $1,500 but will take the highest offer after a set amount of time.
    Accepting Paypal or Bitcoins.

    If you want additional screenshots, please feel free to PM me.
    If you want to buy the account, we will have to use a verified middle-man on the website.
    This ensures that both the customer and myself will be happy and will not be scammed.

    Anyone who posts on this thread will be receiving a private message from me. Feel free to post down below if you are interested.

    I can also trade all the gear over if you would prefer to just have the items, not the account.
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