Selling Selling 462 Million Power, 1.5mill gold, 2 mill T4 troops, So much stuff - State #126 ADSE

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by p3rcyp, 6/8/16.

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  1. p3rcyp

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    Awesome account in a state which has just got itself very orgnanised and is not constant FFA.

    462 million Power
    120 mill research power

    19mill + tropps
    2 mill T4 troops

    Commander research almost complete with only 5lvl 9 tasks to do.
    6th deployment unlocked.

    Cores - 5th Attachment unlocked

    Advanced troops - Tier 3 almost unlocked - just need 1 pack to unlock all of tier 3.

    Legendary Infantry and Tactical Gear as well as lots of other gear.

    Lots and lots of speed ups.

    I am open to offers but they must be sensible. Also payment must be made from a registered paypal account. Please done email asking for price.

    Screen shots can be provided to serious buyers.
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