Kingdom is protected kingdom 884. 450B overall power. Level 24 SH. Hero 68. VIP 25. Hall of War 23. Over 13 B Troops. Full gear sets: Colossus, Frost Lord, Sola, Skeleton King, Oracle, Architect, Exalted General, Prospectors, Mythic Destroyer, Dungeoneer, Salvagers, Executioners, Pegasus, Supreme Marshal and Power Shaman. Multiple cores available including Art, Nike, Ares, Hera, Lady Justice, Bacchus, and Perses. Lots of gems and gem sets. Colossus is gemmed full Aegis Defense gem sets. 80 Trillion in rss total. 175 Million in gold. Price: $450.00 my line id: 987helen123 hit me up if you want screen shots of the account. Also listed on ebay so you can look there. Scammers need not contact me. Accepting paypal only.