Sold Selling 4447 prestige, 225,600 rating, 38 t4cc's, 17 t4b's and 14, 393 units!!

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pi10, 1/23/17.

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  1. Pi10

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    Hello everyone,

    I'm selling this top account which has a lot of content in it and belongs to a top alliance that gets t4cc's weekly.

    4447 prestige
    225,600 rating
    level 60
    14,393 units!!
    1390 shards away from second tier 2 alpha cat and will have the third in 5 days.
    t4cc's: cosmic: 2
    mutant: 9
    science: 3 (close to 4)
    mystic: 5 (close to 6)
    skill: 5 (close to 6)
    tech: 5
    with 9 t4cc crystals for a total of 38t4cc's
    17 t4b's
    970k loyalty
    163k battle chips
    6.74 million gold
    5* duped cyclops 4/55
    5* duped spider-man 3/45
    12 5* champs total
    55 4* champs, 10 of which are at 5/50 (electro, red hulk, ultron, crossbones, superior iron man, black widow, cap WW2, ronan, thor and doctor strange
    Plenty of items including: attack and health boosts, arena boosts, 4 4*awakening gems (mutant, science, mystic, cosmic), 4* sig stones, a few 5*sig stones, 6 stoney cores (810units), 3 carb cores (1650 units), plenty of revives and potions for questing, AQ and AW.
    Suicide masteries unlocked

    Will send pictures to any interested buyers

    Please contact me on Line at: 3.14-lover or by email: [email protected]
    (email does not come with account but you don't really need it anyway)

    I look forward to hearing from you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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