Selling Selling 400/400/400 - All Flawless Emblems, Every Ornament, Rare Gamertag and More!

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Kreis, 8/22/17.

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  1. Kreis

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    I'll be moving to PC for the release of Destiny 2, so I thought I'd sell my account to someone who will get more use out of it than I ever have.

    The account comes with a couple other games as well- naturally these are exempt from being counted towards the value as that's not what you're interested in buying.

    The account's gamertag is "Kreis" and you can either contact me through Xbox or via email at [email protected] with an offer.

    I'll be equipping the only Exotic emblem in the game, Eye of Osiris. This emblem is one of the only emblems in the game that is unobtainable by any means in the current build of Destiny.

    I have god rolls of every current competitively recommended weapon in the game and I also have every exotic, every full raid set with all ornaments activated and plenty more.

    For images, you could contact me..?
    But you could just look up the account via the Bungie website.
    For proof that I AM THE OWNER of this account and I'm planning on selling it, I've updated the status on to "Selling via playerup"

    Once again, I DO NOT HAVE A VALUE on this account.

    Please email me what you feel is a fair price, and I will respond to it.

    Sorry for the long sale post, thank you for considering my account.
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