Hi , are you looking for a perfect character to start Skyforge off ? This is the one for you !! The account has alot of packs bought. Invasions are quite farmed over level 15 to all of them. 150k money left. Has 3-4 mounts. Has the perfect builds for DPS and Support. Has 2-3 Unique Rings. Has a couple of Promo packs in the inventory. Probably some 7days- Premium packs. All classes finished. Has 2 Avatars Done - Mecha and Phyto God of Hunt and God of Authority Completed. Has all legendary Chapels. Chapels are level 16+ Adepts are all orange. Has God of Knowledge almost done , got the important nodes. Has all the symbols needed. Has all the Pay2Win things from the Shop. Has all nodes bought ! check my PA offer here : https://www.playerup.com/skyfo...t/o!121671751/