Sold Selling 34+ billion account in ARAS #152, 37 mill gold, 60 bill+ of each RSS, HQ 22

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JmcXbox, 11/21/16.

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  1. JmcXbox

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    $800/£650 or best offer. Paypal only.

    In state #152. 37 Million gold on hand.

    Commander level 61 (Power 1 billion), VIP level 98. 110107 Service Commendations. Ready for next level.

    Completed the following research trees:- Economics, Combat, Traps, Commander, Advanced Combat (not done level 10-20), Advanced Traps, Manufacturing, Battle Tactics (not done levels 10-20), Set Bonus.
    Completed Mod Set Bonus tree up to Deployment Speed III/Gathering IV.
    Completed Building Development up to Level 2 Death Row Attack/Health/Defence Bonus.
    Completed Mercenary Combat up to Deployment Preset 2 (This includes T1 and T2 troops - very close to T3).
    (Research Power 10.7 bill).

    (Mission Power 20.4 bill).

    Total number of troops 82 mill. 20 mill each of T3 advanced. 3.7 mill each of T4 Advanced. 3.26 mill each of T4. And a assortment of other troops all under 50k.

    (Troop power 2.3 billion).

    Account includes.
    Permanent 2nd Research and Building Queue Active.
    20 bill of each RSS on hand.
    37 bill food and 64 bill oil, 67 bill Stone, 70 bill Iron, 63 bill coins.
    Speeds ups (Only listing ones I have over 100 of)
    120*100 days, 117*70 days, 105*60 days, 471*50 days,100*40 days,1791*30 days, 116*25 days, 271*20 days, 434*15 days, 281*10 day, 2920*7 days, 5643*3 days, 7k+ * 1 day. Not worth mentioning the rest but there is loads more there.
    5* 1 min rally for 15 minutes, An assortment of 60 min attack, health and defence boosts (Some 300%,200% and 100% and lower included).

    Gear (Sets only):- Ground Breaker (1080% research boost), Hammerhead (2500% Defence boost), Lone Wolf (1984% attack bonus - no mods set but they are in the account). Desert Commando (476% commander attack bonus, Max Energy 131,500). Stupid amounts of sets un-opened in inventory.

    Alliance Loyalty 88 mill.

    All buildings behind wire level 22. Spilt (11 Hospitals, 5 banks). 10437000 mods un-used.
    All Insignia's level 6.
    Level 19 combat Lab (201,765 power cells).
    Level 15 Troop Academy

    All building out side wire level 21. Spilt ( 9 Iron, 9 Stone, 9 Oil, 1 Farm). (350k Legendary Resource Hammers).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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