Sold Selling ~30B Account, State 170, Alliance in Top 5 - Make a fair Offer

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by No_Name, 11/20/16.

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  1. No_Name

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    I'm selling my Account on State 170. I'm in the DAMd Family, we are actually Rank 4, but usually even Rank 3 and our Family is Rank 2 even Rank 1 at Moment. All Players are very Helpfull and I had a lot of Fun, but MS is ******* up now. You need to spend more and more Money so i'm now at a Ballance of nearly 3k and I'm proud of my Base but that's enough every week there is a new Gear, new Tree, new Researches and you just can hold your Top Position when you'll spend more money. Now i'm out of Money. But maybe someone else want to go on with this base would be cheaper then starting new. A lot of Gear is waiting on you, nearly all Research is done (see stats in Screen).

    So if there is a good offer for my account you can have it. Please leave me a private message!

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