Selling RuneScape 3 account 11 bil+ in items - 3028 total level, 8 different 120s 200M exp archeology 185M exp Slayer 11 bil+ in items, Plus - EoFs with Eldritch and ABS special (they Dont count towards wealth eval for some reason) BiS magic perks on FSOA and both Crypto armor/legs and Tectonic armor/legs (easily over 1 bil if you have luck rolling them, double if it takes multiple attempts) All codex’s learned Greater Rico, chain, cblast, Magma Tempest, Gsunshine, Gdeathswiftness, etc all unlocked ( 2.5 to 3 bil if bought off GE) All BiS quest rewards, auras, arch powers, etc unlocked. Account is ready to walk into any end game boss and impress Asking for $250. Please no low ball BS. If I dissolved the perks and liquidated everything into gp, I can get $150-$200 from gold farmers any day so this is definitely priced to sell. Message me here or dm or discord for pics or questions - blueshade0#8904