Selling  Selling 3 Plain 2016s

Discussion in 'Rec Room Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by spoo00ky, 1/14/23.

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  1. spoo00ky

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    My Location:
    Each 2016 is $20, I take PayPal and only PayPal, I am not looking for gift cards or tokens.

    YOU will go first. I have traded and made transactions with people before.

    Each 2016's @ name can be changed.

    The @ names of the 2016s will not be provided until your money/account had made it to me, and I confirm to you that it works/I got it. This is for privacy reasons and the fact anyone can report these accounts to rec room and possibly get them banned.

    My money type is CAD.

    I can also trade.

    If you have a Laser Tag Alpha Shirt acc I will give you all of the 2016s for it.

    If you have a referee shirt acc, I will give 2 2016s for it, or depending on if it's stacked or not.

    If you have any accounts with partnered creator items, I will give you all 3 2016's for it.

    If you have any accounts with contest items, whether they're from video contests, building contests, etc. Ill give you all 3 of the 2016s for it.

    Oh yeah, I also have a new rec room account trading discord, so also join that. :)

    DM Me: sharky#3035
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