Sold Selling 3 LV 70s, 80mil, 1000cc, and expensive unlocks!

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mrdarts852, 5/10/17.

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  1. mrdarts852

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    Today I am selling my SWTOR account! Going to make this easy as possible. Has 13 toons but only about 6 of them matter really. They are:

    70 merc
    70 assassin
    70 scoundrel
    68 juggernaut
    64 shadow
    65 commando
    60 guardian

    The account doesn't have much in the way of cartel unlocks but what it does have was expensive 0.0. I can provide screen shots on request as for what ever reason when I try and add them to this thread, they dont show up. But Items include: Defiant Vented lightsaber (account wide), Unstable arbiter's dualsaber (account wide), and unstable peacemakers lightsaber (account wide).

    The account has 80mil on the merc right now and two lightning tunings (those damn things are cool as hell but EXPENSIVE!). I THINK they are on the sentinel but I'm not 100 percent sure! ( too lazy to really look and besides what's life without a hunt!)

    Also has 1000k CC to play around with as well.

    The account is not a top of the line account by any means but It should be great to hop in and enjoy all the new content! Since its not a top of the line account, I am not going to ask for top of the line price! Asking price is $85 to be paid via paypal! I am not going to ask you to pay as a friend or a family member (I dont even know you :P). You can if you want but that is YOUR choice! If your feedback is higher then mine, then Ill even go first!

    If you are intested hit me up on skype at Tyler.J86
    Hope to talk to you soon and may the Force be with you!
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