Sold Selling 3 account: 49mil sp

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by naiku, 5/4/17.

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  1. naiku

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    Selling 3 of my own accounts:

    1. 49mil sps, pure pvp pilot, galdari, amarr, galente cruisers to lvl5, can pilor a black op, 8bil in assets.
    2. 33mil sp, pure industrial char, maxed skills for rorqal, have one in stash maxed out for ice mining including harvesting drones, can fly a jump freiter, has a freiter in high sec. 5bil liquid isk 26bil in assets.
    3. 25nil sp, pure capital pilot, can fly galente cariers to lvl4, has T2 fighters, has a thanatos in stash. Can fly a HUlk with maxed ice harvesting skills.

    Contact me for more info and details.
    If you are an account/character reseller don't bother pming me, I'm not going to sell my children for 3$ a mil SP.

    Thank you.
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