Sold Selling 3.7 k tr with r12's trans nega, pure vorpal and unbound coastal flail snail

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sniper06, 2/20/17.

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  1. sniper06

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    * 3.7 K item level TR(without armor reinforcement kits so you can use what ever you want)

    * All weapons, neck, belt and artifacts are at max rank gear (Water weapons purple if you wanna upgrade have some refine stone in inventory)

    5 Mythic and 1 Legendary artifact

    * Trans Nega, Pure Vorpal

    * 6x Radiant Enchantment R12

    * 5x Brutal Enchantment R12

    * 1x Dark Enchantment R12, 1x Cruel Enchantment R10

    * 2 M Astral Diamond

    * Mounts: Sylvan Stag, UNBOUND Coastal Flail Snail (You can use it or sell it worth 28 M)

    * Companions: Chicken, Erinyes of Belial,Fire Archon, Air Archon

    * All boons unlocked excetp Storm kings Thunder

    * Account have Scourage Warlock pack and 70 lvl DC(Dragonflight set) with a very rare unbound item "Dark Armor of Loth"

    * VIP rank 8, 1272 Tarmalune, PvP and PvP sets


    Price: 350 $

    Feel free to pm me for skype or anything
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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