Sold Selling 3.6k GWF, P.Vorpal, 3x R12 Bondings, G.Neg. Multichar

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mirkul, 2/19/17.

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  1. Mirkul

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    Hello, I am selling NWO PC account,

    *P.Vorpal, G.Negation

    *3x R12 bondings,

    *Most enchantments are r9, r10, r11

    *Loyal Avenger gear on companions

    *Main dps companions epic versions fire,air archons, erinyes, siege master, paranoid delusion and bunch of idle companions.

    *Orcus set, wheel of elements, lantern, cw/gwf sigil

    *All weapons, neck, belt and artifacts are at max rank gear(legendary), artifacts (mythic)

    *All boons unlocked, also member friendly and good guild which has Lvl20

    *Many epic mounts like both new and old gond apparatus, white owlbear, heavy howler.

    *Also have unlocked Scourage Warlock, Guardian of Neverwinter and Dragonborn packs.

    *BiS weapons with unlocked main abilities and maxed out.

    *Bank slots are exptended for more capacity.

    *Also there is unbound Forgehammer of Gond in bank with bunch of other valuables.

    *Good insignia set bonuses on mounts, basically this GWF is main character, High DPS, very often outdps 4k players if you know how to play.

    *Another chars are GF 2.7k, 2nd main character also good build with good gear.
    70 lvl cw, 70lvl hr, 70lvl dc with power mount, 34 lvl tr, 32 lvl sw and 2 more free char slots.
    Most chars are +2.3k.

    *Also Rank 10 VIP untill mid of March 2017.

    350 tradebars, 700k ad.


    Accepting only PayPal.
    If you want more info, screenshots PM me for skype.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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