Sold Selling 3 50+ SSR characters starter accounts with a lot of Zodiac, Summer, Grand and Flash...

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Ruririruri, 8/6/19.

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  1. /u/Ruririruri

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    Selling 3 starter accounts with Zodiacs, Limited characters and more

    Account 1: 63 SSR characters account SD Mahira.

    Limited Character: Anchira, Summer Europa, Summer Zoey, Summer Ilsa, Grand Katalina, Drang, Summer Rosetta, Summer Korwa, Summer Yuel.

    Notable summons: 2x Agni, Shiva, Europa, Uriel, Alexiel, 2x Lucifer and many more.

    Price: 60$ # via paypal or FGO account trade offer (both NA and JP ok).

    Account 2: 61 SSR characters account SD Anila.

    Limited Character: Shiva, Summer Beatrix, Summer Zoey, Sturm, Summer Ilsa, Grand Rosetta, Summer Jeanne, Summer Yuel, Grand Io, Light Vira, Olivia.

    Notable summons: Kaguya, 2x Zephyrus, Bonito, Zeus, Alexiel, Uriel, Grimnir

    Price: 50$ # via paypal or FGO account trade offer (both NA and JP ok).

    Account 3: 52 SSR characters account.

    Limited Character: Summer Ilsa, Grand Katalina, Drang, Summer Grea, Grand Eugen, Alexiel, Summer Yuel, Lucio, Summer Naoise, Summer Zoey, Olivia

    Notable summons: Uriel, Grimnir

    Has 4 Fallen Swords for those who wants to run dark stamina primal grid.

    Price: 30$ # via paypal or FGO account trade offer (both NA and JP ok).

    I also have many more starter accounts so if these do not meet your eyes or budget, feel free to pm me to ask for any combination you like. Contact me at Discord: Ruri#8179.

    # #/Ruririruri
    # .
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