Sold Selling 2x99(Blu,Rdm) Rank 5, great access, all expansions, ready to go. CHEAP

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellish v.2, 5/20/17.

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  1. Hellish v.2

    Hellish v.2
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    SE ID= Yes
    SE Pass= Yes
    SE Q/A= Yes
    POL ID= Yes
    POL Pass= Yes

    This is a new account that will let you dive right into the new campaigns.
    Rank 5 Bastok
    RoV started
    99 Blu and 99 Rdm
    Sword, Parry, Eva, and Blu skill right near cap
    27 Blu spells (entomb, subduction and other pertinent spells)
    23 Trust magic
    Taeon feet, legs and hands
    Rawhide Body

    Not a ton of progression but once you hit rank 6 you are off to the races.
    Genkai broke and blue is ready to be built!!!

    $75 Starting
    $150 Buyout
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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