Selling 2X Legend one accounts with a lot of vc on each PS4

Discussion in 'NBA Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by NBAProGamer, 11/23/16.

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  1. NBAProGamer

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    Hey what's up I'm selling 2X Legend 1 Sunset ballers accounts one of them is almost legend 2 it has a 99Pg all badges and he other has 99 C outside a PF SG and 2 PG balanced and inside both have a lot of vc in them 60-150k can show proof to those who are interested Payments will be AGV or PSN (Us) don't low ball me and I'm not going first if you're interested add my Kik for more information thank you

    Kik: NbaProGamer
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  2. Nate spengler

    Nate spengler
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