Sold Selling 2630+ Almost maxed account

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by logan147, 3/19/17.

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  1. logan147

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    Selling my alt since i dont have enough time to maintain two accounts.
    Has gold premier till the 9th of august due to a mixup with the billing but i think you can extend the gold premier till the end of the year if you pay via bonds
    here are the stats:

    there is enough free xp to get 99 runecrafting and fishing and around 97-98 woodcutting.
    account doesnt have much of a bank as ive traded most over to my main but it does have enough overloads to get you started with pvm as well as tons of auras and 360k+ loyalty points. has most of the skilling outfits in game.

    looking for around 1000mRS3 obo
    can provide pictures upon request
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