Sold Selling 25M Might, 500K Gems, 208D Speed-Ups, Gold Cash Heroes, C25

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BopBop, 12/7/16.

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  1. BopBop

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    Hey guys,

    So I don't have the time for Lords anymore, I Googled "sell Lords account" and came across this forum. Find details of the account below:

    25m might (with 55m-65m of unspent might in the form of gems and speed ups)
    485k gems (with 31k coming out of the Treasure Trove, you only need to invest 16k to get 31k per month at lv.8)
    208 days of speed boosts
    212k T3 troops
    240k Infirmary spaces (6x lv.25 infirms)
    Very close to lv.59

    I have been saving up gems and speed boosts since about c23, which is why I have so many. I've still been buying cash packs, just saving the gems and boosts.

    All RSS production buildings at 19-21, with 2 at lv.25 and 1 at 24. Main focus on wood and stone, with a little Ore.
    6x lv.25 infirms
    lv.25 barracks
    lv.8 Treasure Trove
    lv.25 workshop
    lv.24 academy
    My BH, Prison and Altar levels are not really worth mentioning, but I have enough free materials on the account to get them all to about lv.10. They cost about 200k gems each to get to lv.25, so there's enough gems in my account to get 2 of them to lv.25. With a 3rd one to 25 within a month and a half if you spend nothing.

    GOLD: Big Guy, Trickster
    PURPLE: Tracker, Child of Light
    BLUE: SteamBot, Rose Knight, Demon Slayer, Prima Donna
    GREEN: Dream Witch, Black Crow
    Grey: Lots, including Incinerator and Petite devil at max lvl. I also have 3 watcher medals, you can easily unlock watcher with all these speed boosts if you do the hell events right.My rank in the coloseum bounces between the 101-200 and the 201-500 range. Upon buying the account I will explain to you what 3 hero layouts to use to stay high ranking, earning between 560 and 800 gems per day.

    My research is mostly military.
    All troops are at lv.9, except siege.
    If you want further details, screenshots of this actually contact me on LINE for screenshots.

    10 Bravehearts
    150+ Random Relocators
    10+ Relocators
    900+ War tomes
    400+ Steel Cuffs
    700+ Soul Crystal
    550+ Crystal Pickaxes (if you spend 42k of the gems, you can max the treasure trove earning you 21k gems per month profit (currently you will earn 15k per month from treasure trove alone). I may upgrade this before selling the account if it isn't sold before my next gem investment is due.
    4 gold hammers
    2.1 million energy packs. thats 2075k of energy in the form of packs to be used when you please. This will probably get you a nice way through lv,59. This will also get you literally tons of gems (maybe 30-60k depending on luck and lvl of monsters hit?) and speed ups that I haven't accounted for in this thread. I can't be bothered doing the math, but if you play the game you'd understand that this is such a large amount of energy to have saved. I always used to spend my energy, but NOT the packs because it was too time consuming for me.

    So yeah, that's my account. It's a really nice account to buy because it has about 55-65m of unspent might in the form of speedups and gems, which you can allocate how ever you please. I will tell you how I make 65-85k FREE gems per month with the account and give you a bit of guidance if needed.

    My asking price is $750. This is #

    Send me a PM here and I will add you on LINE so we can discuss this further with screenshots etc if you are really interested, but please don't waste my time too much. The price is #, but if I don't get a decent price I might just keep the account and continue playing the game. I am quite attached to it, and the people I have met here I have to admit. But at the same time, it's kind of turning into another bad habbit that I need to kick.
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