Sold Selling 25K AP, 2k+ WvW Rank, High End 5 year old account with HoT and PoF

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DatStankyPete, 12/23/17.

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  1. DatStankyPete

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    25K+ AP!
    2k+ WvW Rank!

    Hot unlocked and POF deluxe purchased
    I will provide buyer with all original purchase info:
    Cd Keys, place of purchase, address, name, and even the email associated with account.

    Lots of unobtainable Achievements, titles, and items from season 1 LW and Season 1 WvW
    Boosts for days
    Candy corn gobbler for even more boosts
    5 Shared Inventory Slots
    6 Bank tabs
    Inventory Mat expansion to 500
    Devona's Rest Server

    Mystic Forge Conduit
    The Hunter Precursor in bank
    Captain's Airship Pass
    Star of Gratitude
    Molten Jetpack and other investments in bank
    Tons of Ascended boxes/jewelry in bank
    Tons of lvl up items in bank
    Expensive dyes unlocked (shadow abyss, etc)
    Birthday Finisher
    2 Birthday Weapon Skins unlocked

    Twilight Skin
    Sunrise Skin
    The Minstrel
    Chaos Pistol
    Hydra Staff <---Cool, limited black lion chest skin
    Mistforged Hero's Sword
    Lots of Fractal Skins
    Spark Skin
    The Chosen Skin
    Lots of Super Skins

    Geomancer Glider
    And lots more!
    PM me for API Key

    Here is picture album:

    I can screen-share anything on account to VERY interested buyers.
    I don't hang out on skype all day, so PM me/post and I can go on skype if you prefer that way of communication.

    Thank you for looking :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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