Selling Selling 251k GS Mage w/ 108k MATK (top 10)

Discussion in 'Unison League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Abzie, 9/12/16.

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  1. Abzie

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    For serious buyers only.

    Main Class: Mage
    Sub Class[es]: Archer/Cleric

    Current Mage Stats [They improve daily]
    MATK: 108,110
    DEF: 58,025
    MDEf: 62,909
    Total GS: 251,292
    [Top 10 Mage Ranking]

    Magic Testament XXL
    Magic Testament XXL
    Secret of the Meteor XXL
    Magic Testament XL
    Magic Testament XL
    Magic Testament XL
    Magic Testament XL

    Reflection XL
    Reflectiom XL
    Physical Reflection XL
    Magic Armor up XL/Physical Armor up XL

    Reflection XL
    Physical Reflection XL
    Magic Damage Up L [Also increases your damage output a lot]
    Magic Damage down XL/Magic Armor up XL [You can alternate between]

    Current Monsters EQUIPPED:
    Dark Joan +198
    Thanatos +198
    Thanatos +198
    Mari +198
    Asuka +198
    Nezha +198
    Indra +198

    Remaining Cost: 2
    [You can either put them into monster or weapons and increase MATK]

    Extra Monsters in Storage:
    Kirin x2
    Zephyr x2
    Fire Valk
    Fire Joan
    Unit 02i [Collab Spawn Monster]
    Light Valk
    Dark Lillith
    Aizen x2
    Dark Hel
    Dark Emilia
    [And bunch of Event Monsters stacked up as well]

    *** I have over 30 EXTRA SSR Gear in locker that can be used for Transmutations or Infusions ***
    ** I also have 2 ethers and 100+ gold fragment medals in storage, as well as EXP keys for when Level Cap is Increased. **

    Archer SUB-CLASS
    Current Stats:
    ATK: 65k
    MATK: 65k
    [Please Note: None of the bows/monsters equipped on archer have pluses [+] on them, which can massively increase stats]

    Secret of the Arrow XXL
    Snipe Mastery XL
    Fatal Testament XL

    I may have missed some information, but do pm me on LINE if you have any questions or want to know more details.
    ** I can provide Screenshots of all items mentioned above AND more **

    Please Note: I ONLY accept PayPal transactions, which can be discussed via LINE.

    Line ID: Abdulla.Hr

    Good luck :)
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