Sold Selling 22x99 HUGE 7x Master, Death Penalty, Almace, 2xRelic, Ochain Ghorn

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rmforr2, 5/24/17.

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  1. rmforr2

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    Tarutaru Male - 10 jobs fully geared and ready for any content, many more very useful and geared to be potent

    Bastok: Rank10
    Windurst: Rank 10
    San d'Oria: Rank 10
    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    ToAU: Complete!
    WoTG: Complete!
    C.Prophecy: Complete!
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Complete!
    A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
    Abyssea: Vision/Heroes/Scars Full Access
    Dynamis: All Access
    Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
    Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Complete!
    Mercenary Rank: Captain
    Delve: Full clear
    WKR: Full clear
    Omen: All killed

    Almace (119III Afterglow) Amanomurakumo (119III Afterglow) Yoichinoyumi (119III Afterglow-free arrows) Death Penalty (119III Afterglow-free bullets) Gjallarhorn (99) Ochain (90)

    I've started a Fomalhaut (Cleared Zi'Tah NM and Ru'Ann T1 - T3)

    WAR 99
    WHM 99
    RDM 99
    PLD 99
    BST 99 Master
    RNG 99 Master
    NIN 99
    SMN 99 Master
    COR 99 Master
    DNC 99
    GEO 99
    MNK 99
    BLM 99 Master
    THF 99
    DRK 99
    BRD 99
    SAM 99
    DRG 99
    BLU 99 Master
    PUP 99
    SCH 99 Master
    RUN 99

    I'm pretty sure all jobs are merited, but I'm always sitting on 75 merit points in case I missed something.

    Job Points
    Monk 2 / 200
    White Mage 2 / 200
    Black Mage 200 / 200 - Master
    Red Mage 44 / 200
    Thief 56 / 200
    Paladin 87 / 200
    Dark Knight 3 / 200
    Beastmaster 200 / 200 - Master
    Bard 60 / 200
    Ranger 200 / 200 - Master
    Samurai 81 / 200
    Ninja 37 / 200
    Summoner 200 / 200 - Master
    Blue Mage 200 / 200 - Master
    Corsair 200 / 200 - Master
    Scholar 200 / 200 - Master
    Geomancer 9 / 200
    Rune Fencer 29 / 200

    Smithing 51
    Clothcraft 71
    Alchemy 53
    Woodworking 70
    Goldsmithing 61
    Leathercrafting 50
    Bonecraft 52
    Cooking 66
    Fishing 88
    Synergy 16

    Shaper's Shawl & Midras's Helm +1

    Too much great gear to list it all. Special items include 50% CP Cape, D. Ring, Pixie Hairpin +1, Windbuffet +1, All Ambuscade gear +1 and some +2s, Full COR Laksa. AF+2 from Omen. Probably have 50+ omen cards waiting to be used. Tons of surprises waiting on main character and mule. These jobs are geared to be fully used and abused. I've been focused on making sure jobs are geared well. (Fast Cast, Store TP, Double Attack, Triple Attack, Snapshot, Weapon Skill Damage, Magic Attack Bonus, Magic Accuracy, Damage Taken Down, Magic Damage Taken Down) Tons of ROE done. PUP is the only job I am almost completely void of gear. I've just never taken the time to play around with it.

    I've been the only owner of this account and I've been playing it since Seraph (now Bismarck), 13-14 years maybe. I've never transferred servers, had any GM calls, disrespected anyone or had any trouble. I have several gearswap files I'd be happy to send over to make a transition easier with my gear.

    I'd prefer to sell this account to a buyer with positive reputation on this site. I'd be happy to use an intermediary/middle man for the exchange at the buyers expense.

    I'd like to keep bidding open until June 1. The bidding can start at a bargain $1,000 and I'll sell immediately for $1,500.

    PM me if you need any more information.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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