Selling Selling 22m zeroed strong t3 base wih HQ 22 zone 281 super cheap VIP 4

Discussion in 'Invasion Modern Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ahmed123004, 3/30/17.

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  1. ahmed123004

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    T3 base with great research all combats at 9 attack anc defense. Total health and defense at 7-6. Economy is at all 9-8, very little troops cause this account has been dormant for a while now, it was 40m but got zeroed when i stopped using this base. price is $150 because its VIP4 and it has some good research and a good place for someone to start a t4 dream in a great active zone. Won the last TvT that happened on March 27-28 2017. Message me here or whatsapp me at +923111888204. Ill share the rest of the pics there and the details.
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