Sold Selling 22 99 job Hume male. 2 mythic. 7 relic. 2 emp. Master War 300mil gils. Afterg

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Baxterryan, 12/8/16.

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  1. Baxterryan

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    It's time for me to quit. So my account is up for sale.
    I will post pics when I get home. There is alot of stuff that I am forgetting. Account has no strike. No ban. I have full information and security token attached.
    You can disable the security token after payment is secured. Asking 1500 for the account. Western Union only. I have done business with Hellish and he can vouch for me. PM me if interested.

    22 level 99 jobs
    2100 War
    Burtang-119 afterglow
    Conqueror-119 afterglow
    Mandau-119 afterglow
    Excalibur-119 afterglow
    Ukonvasara-119 afterglow
    Amanomurakumo-119 afterglow

    All mission complete.
    All jobs fully merited.
    All jobs are well geared!
    110 fishing
    80 bonecraft
    60 goldsmith
    60 leathercraft

    300 million gil with around 100 mil in sellable. Account is not stripped.
    It's ready to go.

    5/5 Sovereign gear multiple pieces with different augments
    5/5 Valorous gear multiple pieces with different augments
    5/5 Enif gear
    5/5 Acro gear multiple pieces with different augments
    5/5 Sulevia gear
    5/5 Odyssey gear
    5/5 Jhakri gear
    5/5 Meghanada gear
    5/5 Flamma gear
    2/5 Argosy gear
    2/5 Ryo gear
    2/2 Twillight gear
    Fotia belt and fotia gorget
    Multiple ambuscade capes with max augments
    Multiple relic gear for all jobs. Most are reforged
    Multiple JSE weapons fully upgraded.
    Lots of Unity gear
    Lots of SR gear
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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