Stats: power: 210.643.347.363 billion gold: 125.196.708 hero lvl: 69 vip: Lvl 25 SH: 24 troop power: 121.584.767.960 billion troop count: 10.407.363.796 billion troop types: 457 million T4 of all types. 4.5 billion T2 of all types research power: 69.125.661.429 billion hero research tree: all researches (except some advanced eco tree and gem set tree) core gear: all core gears, like perses, justice, artemis, hydra, atlas, aura and special black friday core sets availiable set gear: all set gears availiable including obsidian gem sets: all special new gem sets availiable, like bolster, aigis and so on materials: every kind of material to craft sets and cores availiable rss: over 20 trillion of each speed ups: 40 thousand vip points: 2.3 billion points to vip 26 hero medals: 609.225 booster: tons of high end boster like march size, dd, d, and ad and so on few hemlocks city research: all new buildings are availiable or maxed (except graveyard) banner: all new banner are availiable kingdom: 811 Valith (not ancient) Price $400 obo