Selling Selling 20k PR+ Dino/Chloro

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by Makit, 9/13/17.

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  1. Makit

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    PR 20k DinoTamer PR 20k Chloromancer With Full Magic Find Set comes with (1) 30 day patron pass card (tradeable) and a 3 day patron pass card, have 3 primordial dragons. Spare characters include Candy Barbarian PR 11697, boomeranger PR 8787 and all other characters have SL4 or higher gear to work on of your chosing. 3 streamer dream allys TOTAL MASTERY RANK 392.85 past 300. And remember both high PR characters have the ability to solo Ultra Spike WP and Pin God so each week you can earn alot of flux or shapers stars to work on other characters.This character also has 1400+ patron points Almost enough for another Diamond Drgaon egg (385 I believe).

    Not originally my account but I have all the details including the secret questions and whatnot.

    If interested I'm looking for $100.

    Best way to contact me is on Skype at troveseller
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