Selling Selling 201 ek + 99 pal + 65 sorc + random low levels (very cheap)

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aracder, 7/28/17.

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  1. Aracder

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    So i'm selling my two main accounts that i have been using for 3 years or so i think without ever using an illegal software
    Most of the gold i always spend on gametime so there might be items missing, thats why i make the deal for the account cheap they are inactive for over a year since i dont play Tibia anymore.

    201 Ek REFUGIA - Alot of mounts, view addons complete
    99 RP SECURA - View mounts, View addons
    65 MS SECURA - Rare mount, view addons

    Unfortunatly the Recover Key i lost somewhere for the main account 201 ek but it's registrered on my house addres

    For the 65ms i still have the RK

    I give every info you want after purchashe + i dont mind using a middleman for this transaction

    50€ acepting: Paysafecard, Paypal, Skrill

    - - - Updated - - -

    Contact me through DM on the website or Skype: Olivier.kot
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