Sold Selling 200kmt for $10 per 100k

Discussion in 'NBA 2k MT for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/kimogjong, 3/18/19.

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  1. /u/kimogjong

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    Willing to go first if you have believable 2k rep!

    I'm looking to sell my 100k mt for a $10 playstation card since i don't play myteam anymore.

    I will go first if your rep is legit. Otherwise, i'm willing to go in increments and Ill send proof of my mt or anything else to know i'm not scamming. I know words don't really mean much, but i have no reason to scam as i barely play the game anymore due to the trash updates the game got, so I am trying to get rid of all the mt. It would be logical to not scam as if i scammed, no one would buy the mt from me anymore and it would be hoarded on my account till the servers shut down. My reddit age is around 1700 days ( 5 years ) too so it would be idiotic to get banned here and being called a scammer. Also, i've sold mt here in 2k18 but didn't care about vouches at the time as i thought i wouldn't play in the future, just check my post history around 290 days ago (pls excuse the weeb stuff in my history lol).


    # #/kimogjong
    # .
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