Sold Selling 2 pures A zerker pure and a 1 def pure ...

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Ricky Bowers, 1/5/12.

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  1. Ricky Bowers

    Ricky Bowers
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    Selling 2 pures! A zerker pure and a 1 def pure! Zerker Stats: attack:60 strength:73 magic:66 prayer:43 range:53 defence:45 1 def pure stats: attack:60 strength:74 Magic:73 Prayer:45 Range:79 Defence:1 First time trader, Looking for about 1m for the zerker (i know its a shitty account) and like 3-5m for the 1 defence pure (because it has 94 zeal on it). Comment if interested and we can chat were to meet how to trade... etc. Thanks :)
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  2. OP
    Ricky Bowers

    Ricky Bowers
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    Woops P.S. the zerker has 73 magic, not 66. Ill meet in game on both accounts! zerker isnt member but the 1 defence pure is
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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