Name: sepulchure200 -Caladbolg -5000 Acs in inven -Overlord doomknight -Rebirth Paladin -Evolved blood of nulgath OP classes! Cryomancer, blaze binder, legion doomknight class, legion assassin class Etc! Name: Akatsuki A -100 acs in inven -A lot of class including cryomancer! Paragon Naval commander! Legion Light of Destiny Axe! Interested in buying one? Hit me up! Skype: S3pulchure200 I will be taking offers, so don't be shy!
Again, I should give this advice again, don't take anything to it, you might want a Moderator to review your thread and remove your name, instead as an alternative have screenshots, and blur the names out. There are some people here who report, maybe even AQW spies are about. Just a tip, goodluck selling.