Contact details: Line: ppymiku Telegram: @mikuppy Skype: [email protected] Payment method : Paypal or Btc/Eth Price can be negotiation, contact me. Sea account: 75$ Transcended : All have full set item 111+ Max: Gaela, Llywelyn, Greysoul, Blackaria, Manalady, Falcon, Ravengale Not max: Kymael +5 , Farrah + 0 Buster : All Ultimate Helios, Atlas, Askr, Sasha, Thanatos, Shiva, Tiehr, Iota, Omega, Stigma, Epsilon, Ragnarok Deify : 23, 50+ SSS, 60+SS Gold: 19m Ruby: 7K4 Friend point: 8k3 Coin: 17k Essences: Transcended: 86 Titan: 92 Hero: 120 Light: 86 Ranking: Arena: <5% RoB: <5% Worldboss: 5-10% depend on the boss Fortress Battle : <1% Guild battle: <5% ( Guild on top 5 ) Preview on account: NA account: 100$ Transcended : All have full set item 111+ Max: Llywelyn, Blackaria, Manalady, Falcon, Foxy, Mikaela, Bloodwind, Kymael Not max: Ravengale Buster : All Ultimate Except: Chronos, Hyperion, Atlas, Morgana, Shiva, Stigma Deify : 23, 50+ SSS, 60+SS Gold: almost 1B Ruby: 25K Friend point: 46k Coin: 14k Essences: in the picture Ranking: Arena: <5% RoB: <5% Worldboss: <5% depend on the boss Fortress Battle : <1% Guild battle: <5% Preview on account: