Sold Selling 2.6k GWF high damage

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DeadNark, 1/20/17.

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  1. DeadNark

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    Except information given on the screenshots, there is something to add. I have Soulforged Enchantment in my armor and weapon + armor enchantments to match the damage output.
    Also there is lvl 2 Premium (you will have lvl 3 when purchase the next Premium account). And the last thing, i think is that there are 600 ZEN small bonus to this character (i know it is not much, but nevertheless) and 198 trade bars (almost 3 pieces of a PVP set worth of those).
    Aaaaand yeah, that's pretty much it. oh, one more thing : except from this character, there is a lvl 70 TR and lvl 64 GF, TR is 2040 GS, nothing special about him, but it is also a bonus.

    The price of the account is 65 USD, BUT is #.

    Skype : nakazatorishe, feel free to message me.[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1484932983/t49jimutfkqakthuqh7q.jpg[/IMG]

    Except information given on the screenshots, there is something to add. I have Soulforged Enchantment in my armor and weapon + armor enchantments to match the damage output. Also there is lvl 2 Premium (you will have lvl 3 when purchase the next Premium account).
    There are 600 ZEN small bonus to this character (i know it is not much, but nevertheless) and 198 trade bars (almost 3 pieces of a PVP set worth of those). There is not much interesting in my inventory, apart from some lvl 7 and 8 enchantments.
    The feats are Destroyer tree + a little bit of Instigator - Maximum damage output possible. Got Apparatus of Gond mount (purple one). The last thing to mention is out of all companies the only one completed is Dread Ring (The most useful in my opinion - Rampaging Madness skill). Aaaaand yeah, that's pretty much it. Oh, one more thing : except from this character, there is a lvl 70 TR and lvl 64 GF, TR is 2040 GS, nothing special about him, but it is also a bonus.

    The price of the account is 65 USD, BUT is #.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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