First Account Miner ready to go with 19m skill points that you can see here: Skills It also has a 5m alt as a bonus. The miner has a Skiff and a number of other small assets. Second Account I have a 3 character account to sell with all characters at roughly 5m SP each. All account skill Descriptions here, account has 6 days game time left: Skills Incursion Alt: 6m SP Incursion focused. Able to do WTM Incursions so can instantly join and start making money. Has a WTM Fit Hyperion ready to fly on account. Miner Alt: 5.99m SP miner with the ability to use Exhumers straight away. Great for when you are tired of making isk with all those Incursions Faction Warfare: 4.6m SP Want to spend your time flying interceptors to get some PVP? This account is setup with faction PVP in mind from the start. First Account cost $80 Second Account Cost $35 Or both for $100 Any questions please let me know. Thanks