Selling Selling 18 fes account

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by knohai, 11/21/17.

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  1. knohai

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    red: seki, Paracelsus, Kyo, 2 froids
    blue: Boole, Fibonacci, 2 Dirac
    green: Euler, poission, 2 Leif, necronomicon
    yellow: Kepler, 2 Kronecker, Confucius

    Has a lot of notable bugs too:
    Troy, Kyo 95, Garnet, Lovers, Halloween hel, Athena, Night Lupica, blue happy, Koryu, dolce, summer tan freyja

    also looking for trades, please be equal but you can offer a little less if you have these units I like: maxwell, Cauchy, galois, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Halley, Laplace, Turing,

    But if you're interested pm me on discord: Kozu#2579
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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