Hello, I am willing to sell my 175m account. Since I run out of time for this game i need to find a quick and good solution to hand it over to someone to take care of ... Investment in the account was more than 6.000€ - I don´t want to know the concrete numbers in the end .. Currently holding: 1.125m T4 Units 1.6 m T3 Units 300k T2 Some Traps ## Power: 175m in total 82.6m in Troops 400k in Traps 8.4m in Buildings 9m in Missions ~70m in Research 5.2m Commander (LVL 50) ## Acc is Vip Prestige LVL 10 ## I am still holding 1.1m gold and several 100m of Res in the acc (screenshots). ALL (!!) buildings except for GoldMine are LVL 21. ## Core Research done until Prototype Researches (Manufacturing 8, Collecting 2 lvl 9, Troop Load 2 lvl 8) Commander Research Tree until Rebel 3 all Level 10, Fortification Defense Lvl 9, Attack lvl 7, all other missing researches on lvl 9!! The Account is Top 20 Might on this Server! Message me with your SERIOUS offer.