Sold Selling - 175k force high tier, end-game nier rein account w/ 46k gem 350

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shimakaze1920, 11/6/21.

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  1. Shimakaze1920

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    Thought I can keep up with multiple gacha game but it is proving to be too much for me to handle so I am debating on selling my Nier Rein account.

    Account info:

    Account level: 117

    Have around 54k gem worth as of October 21, 2021. Currently now have 42895 gems left as of October 29.2021

    Characters: 2 ex characters gayle (MLB) and Levania (lb3, MLB), and a lot of other good/meta units. (Akeha is now also MLB for maximum PVP competitive team)....

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