Sold Selling 16 R5 weapons, 600 HC, and 4 pages of 5* and 4* units, whale account! UPDATED

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic 7 Account' started by PianoMan, 11/7/17.

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  1. PianoMan

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    Have all the skill titles + God producer, King of Summer, etc. Rank 1st for most ranking events.

    For each element I have at least 2 mlb r5 with signature weapon of that unit. All elements covered, very balanced!

    Never missed a single fragment for r5 dress, and I have only exchanged for heathcliff armor so far, so you get to choose which dress you want to r5 immediately!

    Updated on 11/06: Guild Rank Rewards
    40 Rainbow Essence -> 45 Rainbow Essence
    70 R5 dress fragments -> 80 R5 dress fragments

    Selling for $560 PayPal
    Feel free to pm me for questions!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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