Sold Selling $150 WTS Mid Tier Account for S53 lvl 135 280k VIP 6 on Android

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ArkyBarky, 12/14/17.

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  1. ArkyBarky

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    Hello I'm selling my server 53 account, the account is level 133 with 280k rating, this account is set up for success, with a tiny bit more investment this account will be very strong. The account is +4250 gems to reach VIP 7. Currently has 111m Gold and 15647 gems on it. This account also comes with a VIP 5 alt account on Server 52, it's at 43k power but it's a fun alt to play on if you get bored :) Willing to negotiate price. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1513245352/gcfikd3czrgtslbreeif.jpg

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