Selling Selling 140 package (over 10k V-Bucks spend to get some good heroes and survivors

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by palge, 8/16/17.

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  1. palge

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    Wanna sell this account.

    I have spent more than 10k+ V-Bucks to get more heroes and survivors to boost the main hero stats.

    Main hero is:

    Legendary Constructor (Female - lvl 20)

    Legendary Soldier (Female - lvl 20 + Legendary Soldier (Male - lvl 1)

    Legendary Outlander (Male - lvl 10) - Gonna make this lvl 20+ as soon as i can.

    Epic Outlander (Female - lvl 10 - This is for extra loot)


    Any questions? PM me here.
    skype: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
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