Sold Selling 13 aeonics+idris+canwenhan+ag almace+99 g.horn+99 daurdabla+122 alch hq main

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellish v.2, 1/21/17.

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  1. Hellish v.2

    Hellish v.2
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    SE ID/ Pass=Yes
    SE Q/A=Yes
    POL ID/ Pass=Yes

    Female Taru

    Missions and completion:
    Rank 10 Bastok
    Zilart= Done
    CoP= Done
    ToAH= Done
    WoTG= Done
    Seekers= Done
    RoV= Done
    All Mini-Expansions= Done
    Voidwatch= Crimson IV, Indigo IV, Jade IV, White VI, Ashen III, Hyacinth II, Amber II (39 Atmacite)
    Abyssea= (3/3 Lunar, All abyssite, 70 Atma) Shin Access= Done
    Trust= 67 (August, Amchu, Kupofried++)
    Blue Spells= 113 (Might Guard + all pertinent spells)
    Geo Spells= 30 Geo 30 Indi (All spells)
    Summons= Carbuncle, Fenrir, Ifrit, Titan, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Ramuh, Diabolos, Odin, Alexander, Cait Sith
    Whm Spells= All spells
    Blm Spells= All spells
    Brd Songs= All songs
    Nin spells= All spells
    Dynamis= Full access
    All coalitions= Legend
    Zitah, Ru'Aun, Reis= Full Clears
    6/6 Delve= Done
    5/5 Vagary= Done
    6/6 WKR= Done
    All Lair Reives= Done
    All Colonization Reives= Done

    99= All 99 but Dnc 82 and Sam 85

    Combat skills capped
    Magic skills capped

    Craft skills:
    110 Fishing (Ebisu, Stall)
    110 Alchemy (Stall, Caduceus, Apron, Orval Ring, Craftkeeper/master rings, Torque) 122
    70 Smithing, Clothcraft, Bonecraft

    Bastok Conquest= 18,639
    Beastman seals= 198
    Kindred seals= 59
    Kindred crest= 4,332
    High Kindred crest= 384
    Sacred Kindred crest= 1,694
    Fishing Guild Points= 44,805
    Alchemy Guild Points= 34,660
    Research Marks= 42,500
    Moblin Marbles= 200
    Legion Points= 52,880
    Sparks= 56,049
    AMAN Vouchers= 93
    Reclamation Marks= 800
    Shining Stars= 152
    L. Sanctum= 19,474
    M.J.T.G= 16,237
    L. Cavern= 21,197
    Periqia= 23,005
    Ilrusi Atoll= 18,345
    Tokens= 59,661
    Zeni= 41,370
    Jettons= 1,308
    Therion Ichor= 5,140
    Curor= 34,472,423
    Traverser stones= 6,002
    Voidstones= 2,637
    Kupo Corundums= 1,737
    Unity Accolades= 90,310
    Rem 1= 15
    Rem 2= 0
    Rem 3= 0
    Rem 4= 17
    Rem 5= 9
    Rem 6= 59
    Rem 7= 4
    Rem 8= 184
    Rem 9= 223
    Rem 10= 213
    Bayld= 730,710
    Obsidian Fragments= 1,455
    Lebondopt Wings= 4
    Pulchridopt wings= 1
    Mellidopt Wings= 11
    M. Plasma= 3,119,650
    Escha Silt= 4,917,222
    Escha beads= 36,489

    Job Points:
    War= 182
    Mnk= 533
    Whm= 2
    Blm= 2100 (134)
    Rdm= 2018
    Thf= 1191
    Bst= 1240
    Brd= 2100 (54)
    Nin= 1238
    Drg= 19
    Smn= 136
    Blu= 2100 (464)
    Cor= 30
    Pup= 614
    Sch= 1217
    Geo= 2100 (500)
    Run= 1279

    HP 15/15
    MP 15/15
    Merits 45/45
    All Attributes= 15/15
    All Combat skills 8/8 (but GK)
    All Magic skills 8/8
    Emnity Decrease= 5/5
    Crit Rate 5/5
    Requiescat 1/5
    Resolution 5/5
    Ruinator 1/5
    Upheaval 1/5
    Stardiver 2/5
    Last Stand 5/5

    War full merits
    Mnk full merits
    Blm full merits
    Whm full merits
    Rdm full merits
    Thf full merits
    Bst full merits
    Brd full merits
    Rng full merits
    Nin full merits
    Drg full merits
    Smn full merits
    Blu full merits
    Cor full merits
    Pup full merits
    Sch full merits
    Geo full merits
    Run full merits

    This character has perfect augments and almost EVERY piece of gear for the main jobs. This is the top of the top end. I will be adding screens continuously so keep checking back. The character ALL pertinent gear from end game content (some omen). Tons of maxed ambu capes, all the ambu gear +1 (aside from this months) multiple sets of merlinic, herc, valorous sets with almost perfect augs for pdt, acc, trip attk, pet, etc etc.

    Starting bid $3,200
    Buyout= $4,000
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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